Injectables & Fillers

& Fillers

At Weissmann Mehrel Dermatology, we offer patients several different injectables and dermal filler options in order to provide the best possible results for their individual needs.

Injectables & Fillers


Restylane® is an injectable filler, used for smoothing out facial wrinkles. It is a biodegradable gel composed of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance occurring within the body. In addition to adding fullness to the skin, Restylane® attracts water molecules to the site of the injection, further enhancing its effectiveness.

Restylane® provides results that are noticeable immediately after injection, although it may take a few days for swelling to subside. Day-to-day activities can be resumed immediately afterwards, with no downtime necessary. To maintain its effects, additional Restylane® injections should be administered about 4 to 8 months later.

Restylane Lyft

Restylane Lyft is the first and only hyaluronic acid filler to be FDA-approved for both the face and hands – the midface/cheek area, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, oral commissures (lines at the corner of the mouth), and the back of the hands. Restylane Lyft restores volume to the cheeks and hands for a smoother, more youthful looking appearance. One of the most versatile products in the Restylane portfolio, Restylane Lyft, formerly known as Perlane, has been on the market for more than 10 years and has a proven track record of safety and efficacy. Results are clinically proven to last up to 18 months in the nasolabial folds, 12 months in the cheeks, and up to 6 months in facial wrinkles and folds in the hands.

Before & After Restylane Treatment

Before & After
Restylane Treatment

Injectables & Fillers


Radiesse® is a synthetic injectable filler that reduces wrinkles, creases and scars by augmenting the body’s natural collagen supply. Composed of microspheres in a biocompatible gel, Radiesse is made from the same minerals found in our bones, so it carries little risk of allergic reaction. Radiesse can be used on many areas of the body, including the lips, nasolabial folds, peri-oral lines, depressed scars and oral commissures.

Radiesse® and Radiesse (+)® are dermal fillers that are FDA-approved to smooth moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds (the creases that extend from the corner of your nose to the corner of your mouth). Radiesse® is also used for correcting volume loss in the back of the hands.

Radiesse® is injected under the skin in a quick procedure that can be done over the lunch hour.

Immediately upon injection, Radiesse® helps smooth out lines and wrinkles. The natural-looking results last a year or more in many patients.

Before & After Radiesse Treatment

Injectables & Fillers


JUVÉDERM® is the #1 dermal filler collection in the world that offers 5 different products to meet your specific needs. Add volume to plump lips, smooth lines, or lift & contour cheeks—we have what you need to get the results you want. Hyaluronic acid, or HA, is a naturally occurring substance that delivers volume to the skin. JUVÉDERM® is a long-lasting, non-surgical option that contains a modified form of HA. Fillers that include HA are a top choice for patients—over 90% of filler patients receive an HA dermal filler.


Age-related volume loss can cause cheeks to flatten and skin to sag. JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA™ XC helps add volume for lifting and contouring the cheek area.

Before & After JUVÉDERM Treatment

Before & After
JUVÉDERM Treatment

Injectables & Fillers

Belotero Balance

Belotero Balance® is an advanced hyaluronic acid (HA) gel dermal filler that is injected just under the skin’s surface with minimal irritation. The gel adds volume and smoothes out facial wrinkles and folds for a more youthful appearance.

Belotero Balance® consists of purified hyaluronic acid, which is a natural complex sugar already found in your skin. The patented HA formula is particularly suited to be injected into superficial lines and wrinkles such as those around the mouth and eyes. The molecules attract less fluid than other HAs and the amount of swelling after injection is reduced.

Injectables & Fillers


Sculptra® is an injectable product that restores and corrects the signs of facial fat loss by replacing lost volume. Facial fat loss, or lipoatrophy, is the loss of fat beneath the skin, which can result in sunken cheeks, indentations, and hollow eyes. Sculptra provides a gradual and significant increase in skin thickness, improving the appearance of folds and sunken areas. The results from Sculptra® are not immediate but they are long-lasting.

Sculptra® is used to correct shallow to deep wrinkles and folds on the face. Administered with the appropriate injection technique from a trained specialist, Sculptra® is clinically approved for:

  • Deep folds between the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds), also called “smile lines”
  • Lines framing the mouth (marionette lines)
  • Chin wrinkles

On average, a series of three treatment sessions over the course of a few months may be needed. The number of injections at each session will vary, depending on the degree of correction needed and the treatment plan determined by you and your specialist.

Sculptra® is designed to give you noticeable results that emerge gradually and can last up to two years. Don’t be disappointed if you don’t see immediate results. A few days after treatment, you may look as you did before treatment. This is normal and temporary.

The Sculptra® regimen delivers its full effects with an average of three treatment sessions over the course of a few months. Because results happen gradually, you’ll see subtle, yet noticeable, results in the reduction of facial wrinkles and folds by comparing images before treatment and a couple months following treatment.

Sculptra® is composed of poly-L-lactic acid, a molecule which is biodegradable, so it does not harm the body and is easily broken down and absorbed. We use a very effective topical numbing agent to numb the skin prior to the injections. The Sculptra® powder is also reconstituted with water and lidocaine, so you will feel more numb as the injections are being done. Most people are surprised at how comfortable the treatments are.

You should avoid taking the following medications for at least 7 days prior to your injections to minimize bruising:

  • Any type of anti-inflammatory medication – including Aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Aleve, etc.
  • Any type of Omega-3 supplements such as fish oil, flaxseed oil, etc.
  • Vit E.

Before & After Sculptra Treatment

Before & After
Sculptra Treatment

Injectables & Fillers


BOTOX® Cosmetic is a highly purified protein injected into the skin to relax the muscles that cause some kinds of wrinkles. While BOTOX® can treat certain medical conditions, such as excessive sweating, it is most commonly used for cosmetic purposes, primarily to reduce wrinkles on the face and neck. BOTOX® injections are relatively painless, as the needle used is significantly smaller than those used for other injectable fillers.

The best candidates for BOTOX® are men and women seeking an enhanced appearance with fewer wrinkles. In addition, it is important that those seeking treatment are in good physical health, are not pregnant or nursing, and do not have a neuromuscular disorder. People seeking BOTOX® injections should have realistic expectations regarding this procedure’s abilities and should discuss their desired goals with their doctor beforehand.

BOTOX® works by relaxing the muscles beneath your wrinkles. It reduces muscle movement to keep lines and wrinkles away, but you can still move your face and will look completely natural. In the underarms, BOTOX® works by temporarily switching off your sweat glands in that area.

BOTOX® can treat many different areas for exceptional results.

  • Frown lines: smooths the lines between brows
  • Crow’s feet: reduces lines at eye corners
  • Forehead lines: smooths long lines across the forehead
  • Eyebrow lift: subtle eyebrow elevation
  • Nefertiti lift: neck and jawline tightening
  • Smile enhancement: reduces a gummy smile
  • Neck lines: cords around the neck
  • Mouth: corners of the mouth to lift drooping

In addition to all of the aesthetic uses, Botox can be very helpful in hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and migraine headache treatment.

If you have fine lines and wrinkles and want to reclaim your youthful appearance without invasive procedures or surgery, you’re probably a great BOTOX® candidate.

BOTOX® is injected with a very fine needle and is well-tolerated by almost everyone. The treatment takes 10-20 minutes, and you’re back to your normal routine immediately.

BOTOX® usually takes effect in three days to a week. It takes effect in some areas faster. For example, the International Hyperhidrosis Society says that BOTOX® can take effect in the underarm area in as little as two days when injected for excessive sweating.

BOTOX® prevents wrinkles for three to six months. In the underarms, BOTOX® lasts anywhere from four months to a year, possibly longer.

Side effects of BOTOX® Cosmetic are rare and are usually mild and temporary. The most common side effects are headaches and temporary redness or bruising of the skin at the site of injection. Any risk of complication can be reduced by choosing a qualified and experienced physician.

Before & After BOTOX Treatment

Injectables & Fillers


It’s not a facial transformation—far from it. Dysport® treatment temporarily improves the look of your moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows in a way that suits your style. And no one will know—unless you tell them. 

Dysport® is an FDA-approved injection used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by relaxing facial muscles in the forehead. Similar to BOTOX® Cosmetic, Dysport is injected directly into the site of wrinkles to prevent the underlying muscles from contracting. Dysport injections are ideal for nearly anyone wishing to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face and restore a younger, more refreshed appearance. The injections are administered directly into the facial muscles that cause frown lines and other wrinkles; these injections are generally painless, with no need for anesthesia.

Dysport temporarily treats moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows by reducing specific muscle activity. Wrinkles are caused by repeated movements and muscle contractions. One injection into each of the 5 points between and above the eyebrows temporarily prevents muscle contractions that cause frown lines.

Although office visits can vary, the procedure generally takes 10 to 20 minutes.

The majority of users see improvement in just 2-3 days after treatment.

Dysport improves the look of your frown lines between the eyebrows for up to 5 months.

Before & After Dysport Treatment

Injectables & Fillers


The use of blunt tipped microcannula has revolutionized the techniques we use for facial volume restoration using fillers. Applying our decades of expertise of using cannulas in fat transplantation, the advent of these thin microcannula now allows fillers to be deposited in any tissue layer of the face, where there is depletion of tissue volume in a non invasive, safe and comfortable manner. Whether localized to certain areas or a more extensive “liquid face lift”, the use of these instruments has greatly enhanced the spectrum of non invasive facial rejuvenation.

Injectables & Fillers

Platelet-Rich Plasma

PRP is a portion of one’s own blood that contains a high concentration of platelets. Platelets are rich in growth factors. Blood is drawn from the patient and placed in a special centrifuge that separates the platelets from the rest of the blood components. The concentrated platelets (PRP) can then be used for facial rejuvenation and to treat hair loss. The entire procedure takes 1-2 hours. The growth factors are released from the platelets upon activation once they reach the target tissue. For cosmetic purposes, the target tissue is the dermal layer of the scalp, to stimulate the hair follicles or the subcutaneous layer of the facial skin to stimulate collagen production.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Specific side effects can occur during PRP plasma therapy for hair loss like any medical procedure.

These side effects may include:

  1. Mild bruising
  2. Skin redness
  3. Mild swelling


Why Choose Dr. Alicia Carter?

  • Dr. Carter is Top Doctor and a Regenerative Medicine expert. She has over 15 years of experience using PRP and stem cell therapies.
  • An extensive history is taken from each patient to identify factors that contribute to hair loss. Addressing these factors will help maximize your treatment outcome.
  • Dr. Carter uses one of the best PRP machines on the market. Patients typically experience improvement after only 1 injection by Dr. Carter; not a “series” of treatments that are suggested elsewhere.
  • Dr. Carter does the entire procedure herself to ensure the best possible outcome – not a nurse or physician assistant.


Dr. Carter can do a preliminary telehealth or phone consultation for those interested in PRP. therapy, if an in-person office is difficult due to travel distance.

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